Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lebron James and Kanye West

Do you think Lebron James and Kanye West are friends? Both of them are all around entertainers and about the same age.

They gotta be friends.There was a comment that I stupidly deleted from this post mentioning that I thought they must be friends because Lebron and Kanye are both of African American descent. This could not be further from the truth. I figure they are both friends based on their talent and general awesomeness. Also, both are rather friendly with Jay-Z so the circumstantial evidence is there. I would not assume that either Kanye or Lebron are friends with Alan Keyes.

Also no more commenting anonymously, if I am going to be a jackass publicly, than you can be a jackass publicly.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i can only comment anonymously because none of the other options in the profile menu works.

  3. Are you friends with Bruce Vilanch? you both have beards sometimes.
